Delivery speed
Shipping from China can be fast. We use reliable transport operators to ship your order. Approximate shipping time depends on your country. It usually takes around 15 - 30 days to receive your order. Don’t you agree that 15 days to receive an international package is fast?
If you want to receive your order faster, just write us, and we will help you select the most appropriate express shipping solution door to door.
We are pleased to offer the delivery of orders by the following popular carriers:
- China Post ePacket
- Singapore Post
- HongKong Post
Tracking number
All orders have a tracking number that allows you to receive information about the location of the package.
Ordering information
If you have any questions about the order, for example, your order is delayed by carrier for more than 30 days, contact us and we will provide you with all the necessary information.
We do everything possible to prevent you from paying taxes for your package.
That is the reason we lower a product price in the invoice. We take care of you by minimizing the chance that your package will be taxed at the customs.
Start tuning right now
You have everything you need to tune your car: the desire to make your car look great, and the idea how to do it. You just need to order the emblem you like and install it!
Best regards,Car PitStop Team